Pseudo Classes

Pseudo classes are styling flags that allow you to add optional styling to your classes. Each pseudo class is also a selector to select any element that has been given that pseudo class. For example, when a button is pressed.

There are two parts to using pseudo classes:

First, you must apply pseudo classes when conditions you want to style based upon are met. No pseduo classes are applied automatically.

import {disabled} from "style-composer";

export default function Form({isDisabled, children}) {
    return <StyledView
                classes={[$Form, $FieldGroup]}
                pseudoClasses={[isDisabled && disabled]}

Now, we can add styling that is only applied when isDisabled is truthy in a generic way that can be re-used by multiple components:

import {disabled} from "style-composer";

export const $FieldGroup = composeClass("field-group", () => ({
    padding: 10,

    [disabled()]: {
        opacity: 0.5,

In-built Selectors

  • active
  • disabled
  • focus
  • hover


function Button({classes, children}) {
    // NOTE: DO NOT define classes inside a component, this is merely for demonstration
    const $Button = composeClass("button", () => ({
        backgroundColor: "#673ab7",
        color: "white",
        padding: 10,
        borderRadius: 30,
        textAlign: "center",
        width: 150,

        [active()]:  {
            backgroundColor: "#e91e63",

    const [isActive, setActive] = useState(false);

    return <StyledTouchableOpacity
                classes={[$Button, classes]}
                pseudoClasses={[isActive && active]} // <-- adds active when isActive is true
                onPressIn={() => setActive(true)}
                onPressOut={() => setActive(false)}>
        <StyledText>Press me!</StyledText>

Creating your own

If you wished to add your own pseudo class selectors for your app you can do so like this:

import {createPseudoSelector} from "style-composer";

export const selected = createPseudoSelector("selected");

This will now work just the same as the in-built pseudo classes