Rule Order & Important

Rule Order

Styles are applied in the following order, with #1 being styles that will have the highest priority:

  1. class selector (eg. media queries) values with important()
  2. class values with important()
  3. style prop
  4. class selector (eg. media queries) values
  5. class values
  6. cascading styles (eg. color)


Just as in CSS if you need a value to override other rules that have higher precedence you can wrap those values in an important():

import {important} from "style-composer";

export const $Card = composeClass("card", () => ({
    backgroundColor: important("red"),

    [media({maxWidth: 700})]: {
        // even though usually a selector will override the parent rules,
        // because the parent rule is marked as important it will not be overriden
        backgroundColor: "blue"


function Button({classes, children}) {
    // NOTE: DO NOT define classes inside a component, this is merely for demonstration
    const $Button = composeClass("button", () => ({
        padding: 10,
        borderRadius: 30,
        textAlign: "center",
        width: 150,
        margin: 5,

        [disabled()]: {
            // try taking away the important() call
            backgroundColor: important("#aaa"),

     const [isDisabled, setDisabled] = useState(true);

    return <StyledView style={{color: "white"}}>
        <StyledView style={{display: "flex", flexDirection: "row"}}>
            <StyledText>Button disabled</StyledText>
                classes={[$Button, classes]}
                style={{backgroundColor: "#673ab7"}}
                pseudoClasses={[isDisabled && disabled]}
                activeOpacity={isDisabled ? 1 : 0.5}