Style Selectors & Media Queries

Style selectors are selectors which allow you to add dynamic styling to your components..

All selectors will update automatically and require no further component logic.

They are used in your class style and are defined in this pattern:

const $Style = composeClass("style", () => ({

    [selector(options)]: {


For example, if you wanted to change a component's fontSize depending on the screen dimensions you could use the media() selector:

function Card() {
    const $Card = composeClass("card", () => ({
        fontSize: 24,
        color: "white",

        [media({maxWidth: 1280})]: {
            fontSize: 14

    return <StyledView classes={$Card}>
        <StyledText>I am text!</StyledText>

This will make sure when the screen was smaller than 1280px the text inside the view would become smaller.

Built-in Selectors

mediamedia({maxWidth: 200})
platformplatform("web") or platform(["web", "android"])

Selector Boolean Logic

Style composer supplies methods to use boolean logic with selectors. For example:

export const pixel3 = () => and(
  media({maxWidth: 412}),
  media({minWidth: 410}),

export const $Card = composeClass("card", () => ({
    margin: 5,

    [pixel3()]: {
        marginTop: 22

You can use and, or and not.